都市委员会呼吁禁止在商业上使用无功能的草坪, 工业, 公共属性

都市委员会呼吁禁止在商业上使用无功能的草坪, 工业, 公共属性
10月. 17, 2022

Board supports permanent ban of grass that is not regularly used for recreation,

干旱和气候变化给水资源供应带来压力, the Metropolitan Water District is taking steps to eliminate an all-too-common sight in Southern California that uses up valuable water resources – ornamental grass that serves no recreational or community purpose – grass known as non-functional turf.

大都会董事会上周二(10月9日. 11)采用 一项决议 that strongly recommends cities and water agencies across Southern California pass ordinances permanently prohibiting the installation and irrigation of non-functional turf. 该委员会的呼吁主要针对现有的和新的商业广告, 工业及公共物业, 以及居屋协议, 而不是住宅物业. 它, 然而, call for local regulations that don’t allow installation of non-functional turf in new home construction.  

“More than half of all water used in Southern California is used outdoors for irrigation, much of it for grass that is not walked or played on or used in any meaningful way. Sustaining ornamental grass is not a good use of our precious water resources,大都会总经理Adel Hagekhalil说.

Metropolitan has for more than a decade incentivized residents and businesses to replace their grass lawns with more water-efficient landscaping. 那  草皮更换计划, 188bet棋牌平台哪一家公司提供每平方英尺草坪2美元的基本回扣, has directly resulted in the removal of more than 200 million square feet of grass, 节约足够62人饮用的水,每年000户. 除了, a recent study found that for every 100 homes that converted their yards using a Metropolitan rebate, an additional 132 nearby homes were inspired to convert their own grass without receiving a rebate to help fund the projects. This “multiplier effect” more than doubled the value of Metropolitan’s $351 million investment in making Southern California more sustainable.

“Through our turf rebate and California Friendly® and native plant gardening education programs, we’ve jumpstarted the movement to change the landscape of Southern California. 但我们必须做得更多。. 灰色表示.

“We are experiencing unprecedented drought conditions in California and on the 科罗拉多河 – straining both of our imported water supplies. And the reality of climate change means that these alarming conditions are likely to become more common and more severe. 我们需要找到用更少的水永久生活的方法,”她补充道.

加州正处于有记录以来最干旱的三年, 导致国家水利工程的供水量达到历史最低水平, which on average supplies 30 percent of the water used in Southern California. The constraints on that supply have left 6 million people in the region without enough water to meet normal demands, 需要前所未有的强制性保护.

On the 科罗拉多河 – Southern California’s other principal imported water supply – a decades-long drought has left the system’s reservoirs at their lowest-ever levels. The federal government has responded with a call for immediate and dramatic cutbacks in water use.  

Elimination of non-functional turf is becoming an increasingly valuable tool to quickly and permanently decrease water use. 为了应对加州的干旱, the State Water 资源 Control Board issued an emergency regulation temporarily banning the irrigation of non-functional turf with potable water from June 2022 to June 2023. 在八月, Metropolitan joined urban water agencies across the 科罗拉多河 Basin to sign a 备忘录randum of Understanding committing to reducing non-functional turf.

“We need to permanently reduce the amount of water used on non-functional turf. 那 is why we are calling on cities and agencies to adopt relevant ordinances that will work with the particular circumstances of their communities,哈格哈利勒说. “同时, Metropolitan will continue providing cash incentives so that grass is not simply paved over, rather it is replaced with water-efficient landscaping to ensure our trees continue thriving and our communities remain beautiful and ecologically diverse.”

The resolution approved Tuesday specifically calls for cities and agencies to pass ordinances that permanently: prohibit the use of potable water to irrigate non-functional turf in existing and new non-residential properties; prohibit the installation of non-functional turf in non-residential and new residential properties; and require the removal of all non-functional turf in non-residential properties by a certain date. Non-functional turf is defined as specific kinds of grasses irrigated by potable water that are not regularly used for human recreational purposes or for civic or community events.


The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California is a state-established cooperative that, 连同它的26个城市和零售供应商, 为6个县的1900万人提供水. The district imports water from the 科罗拉多河 and Northern California to supplement local supplies, 并帮助其成员加强水资源保护, 回收, 存储和其他资源管理程序.